![]() Sacred Realms Sanctuary
Rev Dustin - [email protected] Melanie - admin@jaxpagan.org Mark Sacred Realms Sanctuary is an open Pagan group for those seeking to share their spiritual knowledge and experiences, practice Paganism, and help our community! Our gatherings include rituals, spiritual discussions, workshops, and community service. Our community service include: charity donation drives, fundraiser walks / runs, trash clean ups, and more! To further support our local community, we run Jacksonville Pagan Pride Alliance, Inc. We encourage a friendly spirit of mutual cooperation and positive growth in the community! We maintain a Meet Up group for local Pagan groups and covens to post their events in. Join us on Facebook or Meet up! Facebook groups: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sacredrealmsanctuary https://www.facebook.com/groups/jaxpagancommunity Meet up Group: https://www.meetup.com/Jacksonville-Pagan-Pride/ ![]() Olympic House of Venus-Hathor (E.O.C.T.O)
Hierophant Arch-Mages Moonraven A GLBT-inclusive house serving the Occult Pagan & Alternative Spiritual community in Northern Florida. We are a family of love, fellowship and worship of the Old Gods celebrating each full and new moon plus 10 religious Sabbats per year. We believe that all nature is sacred and that divinity is present in all things. Through Hellenic Alexandrian Traditional Witchcraft, the Old Gods speak to us today through the Greek Esoteric Magical Tradition (Greek, Roman, Egyptian), revealing Their divine wisdom. We offer sacramental rites to all who ask without regard to sex, sexual orientation, race, family status or any other prejudice that separates one from the Gods. https://www.facebook.com/VenusHathorFL/ ![]() Compassion League Temple Temple Head: Rev Lady Angela [email protected] Compassion League Temple is a Wiccan temple that was established in 2013 and is an affiliate of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church. CLT offers in-person or online mentoring for First, Second, and Third Degree Wiccan studies. Compassion Crafts, a division of the Temple, provides chemo caps free of charge to any Pagan undergoing treatment regardless of location. ![]() Whisperers of the Waters: A Colloquy on Modern Paganism
Rev Symbliene Griffin Welcome to Whisperers of the Waters: A Colloquy on Modern Paganism! We are a study and action group. We host book-studies on modern Paganism and community service activities, particularly those focused on serving the Earth, as well as rituals and private study groups. https://www.facebook.com/groups/whisperers.of.the.waters/ Heiður Tribe Florida Falcon Clan Timothy, Jarl We are an open, inclusive, and family friendly Norse Pagan tribe across Florida. We have regular online classes on specific gods, runes, and general pagan topics on our Facebook page. In person meetups, mainly potlucks and Viking Age reenactment training are a staple of our community and happen several times a month. https://www.facebook.com/groups/537384742300895 ![]() Three Roots Kindred
Gythia/Leader: Nicole Hargis [email protected] Three Roots Kindred was established in 2019 by Nicole and Anthony Hargis. Currently based in the South Side of Jacksonville, Florida. Three Roots is a home and a community for local area Heathens. Three Roots celebrates diversity and community well honoring the Gods and Goddess of the Germanic Tribes, the Old Gods. Three Roots is active in Jacksonville both in working with the local area pagans and the community. We are a closed group but seeking new members. We have many public events through out the year along with many that are for kindred members only. We welcome anyone who has heard the calling of the Gods and the ones who want to know more. https://www.facebook.com/groups/threeroots/ www.threerootskindred.com ![]() Coven Albion's Spirit Contact Bobbi Jo or Dennis 904-298-0067 Coven Albion’s Spirit is a Gardnerian coven in North Florida that functions as a family made up of diverse individuals. They meet and worship together in a Traditional Manner to ritual and hold observances on the Sabbats and Esbats. They honor the Goddess and God and celebrate our lives. They hold ongoing traditional Wiccan education classes and support the overall Pagan Community. They practice a nature based fertility religion that believes in a female and male aspect of divinity, reincarnation, affecting change through concentration of will and personal responsibility for one’s actions. |
![]() Chosen Path Church Independent, full-service Wiccan Church Chosen Path Church (CPC) was founded in June 2014 to provide spiritual, social, and educational opportunities for Jacksonville area Pagans. While our Clergy training program is primarily Wiccan based, all paths are welcome at CPC. We also welcome all ages and levels of experience. CPC’s campus includes a large Sanctuary, Reiki Room, Crafting Studio, large Outdoor Altar, Sacred Fire Circle with Altar, Shaman Medicine Wheel, Meditation Garden, Community Garden Bed, 500+ volume Library, and a Parsonage. We offer rituals in honor of the Goddess and God for all Sabbats and Esbats along with a monthly eclectic study group and Reiki Circle. Our free services include handfastings or legal marriages, funerals, individual rites of passage, house or hospital room cleansings, pastoral care, and other Pagan services. At CPC, we believe all spiritual paths are valid for those who follow them. We believe Deity appears to us in ways we can readily understand. We honor our ancestors and work with them as guides. We know karma is a natural result of one’s choices and actions. Any member of Chosen Path can lead ritual as they are guided by Spirit for any spiritual path. Meet and Greet opportunities are held so you can ask any questions you may have, get to know the Joint Temple Heads, and learn more about Chosen Path Church. Find out more at our website or by contacting CPC to schedule a Meet and Greet by utilizing the Contact Form at http://www.chosenpathchurch.com/. Find out more at our website or by contacting Rev. Laurie Denman at 904-483-9001 (Text only) http://www.chosenpathchurch.com ![]() Jacksonville CUUPS Coordinator: Erin Rogers [email protected] Jacksonville Covenant of the Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPs) is an affinity group that meets at Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist Church (http://bbuuc.org) and is open to ALL people in the Duval, Clay, Nassau, etc counties. You do not have to be a member of the church or identify with any particular tradition or religion to attend our meetings. We do celebrate all solar holidays; perform some full or new moon rituals; hold book studies or have open topic discussions. Join us on Facebook or visit the Buckman Bridge UU Church website below. FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/JacksonvilleFlCuups Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/473021186108846/ BBUUC website: https://www.bbuuc.org ![]() Phoenix Festivals, Inc
Neo-Pagan Festival held March & October Eric and Rev Trisha Phoenix Festivals Inc. is a registered not-for-profit corporation whose mission is to provide Neo-Pagan education to the public. Every March and October, we gather for a five-day, four-night outdoor event in Gilchrist County (west of Gainesville) Florida to share and celebrate our beliefs. Each day is filled with classes, community meals, live entertainment, rituals, drumming and dancing. We strive to provide an unforgettable, spiritual experience in a fun and safe environment. All people are welcome, and a children’s program is available for families. Check out our “Coming Events” tabs to see when you can expect our new Phoenix Events. Day passes as well as weekend and full event passes are available to help accommodate most schedules. Check us out at https://www.phoenixfestivals.com/ or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Phoenixfestivals ![]() Wiccan Church of Florida - ATC Rev Trisha Parker [email protected] Wiccan Church of Florida - ATC is a proud member of the Northeast Florida Pagan Leadership Coalition - a group founded to serve the NE Florida pagan community through education, support, acceptance, consistency and leadership. We are a non-profit, tax-exempt church with the mission to bring Earth based religions into equality with the other varying faiths of the world. WCF - ATC is dedicated to the Advancement of Wicca. Seekers of Gardnerian Traditional Wicca can contact Rev Trisha via email. Website: https://www.wcf-atc.org/ Jacksonville Pagan Parents Group
Jacksonville Pagan Parents is a fun group for Pagan families to chat together and learn from each other. Get togethers usually involve a potluck and/or craft. We teach our children about the turning of the wheel and give them space and time to interact with other pagan children in the area. If you are a pagan parent in Northeast Florida, please join us on facebook! https://www.facebook.com/groups/877951582361541/ ![]() Pillars of Prophecy Rev Paolo Santo [email protected] We are a spiritual temple & school dedicated in the aid and devotion to spiritual conditioning and application in the Ancient Esoteric Mysteries and Metaphysical Sciences. The ultimate goal of the Pillars of Prophecy is to guide individuals in becoming a living embodiment of spiritual knowledge and empowerment. We work by employing spiritual techniques which strengthen the “Will” and give control over the mind, allowing the practitioner to bring about personal changes as well as changes for other. Fulfilling the prophecy that every man, woman, & child will live as divine beings in the flesh. Working in the Enochian Tradition for we draw upon many traditions and historical influences including Enochian, Solomonic & Egyptian magic, Greek philosophy, the Mystery religions, Gnosticism, Neo-Platonism, Alchemy, the Qabalah, and Hermetic literature. http://www.PillarsofProphecy.org |